The room was filled with a group of people sitting around a large table, much like the disciples at the Last Supper. But instead of bread and wine, there were cups of coffee and water, and plates of cookies and chips scattered across the table.
Each person had a different story to tell, but they were all united in their struggle with addiction. They had come together for their weekly 12 step meeting, and there was a sense of camaraderie and shared experience in the air.
The chair of the meeting, much like Jesus at the Last Supper, spoke with a calm and reassuring voice. He shared his own journey of addiction and recovery, and the group listened intently, nodding in recognition and understanding.
As the meeting continued, each person took turns sharing their own experiences, their own challenges, and their own triumphs. They spoke of the difficulties of addiction, the harm it had caused in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. But they also spoke of the hope and strength they had found in recovery, and the ways in which they had rebuilt their lives.
There was a sense of humility and vulnerability in the room, much like the Last Supper. Each person was open and honest about their struggles, and there was a sense of mutual support and encouragement.
As the meeting drew to a close, the chair reminded the group of the importance of their shared journey. He reminded them that they were not alone, that they had each other for support and guidance.
And like the disciples at the Last Supper, they left the meeting feeling renewed and inspired. They knew that the road ahead would not be easy, but they also knew that they had the strength and support they needed to overcome their addiction and find new life in sobriety.